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apprentice toの例文


  • hokai , an apprentice to eno , wrote them down .
  • i started as an apprentice to a hungarian craftsman
    最初は ハンガリー人の職人の 見習いから始めました
  • he was then an apprentice to the family .
  • 1913: to grow out to be shite-kata (a principal actor ) formally , he became an apprentice to the kongo family of kyoto .
  • at the same time that the " dankyo " was made , hui-chung , an apprentice to eno , had already expressed resentment , saying that the " dankyo " was corrupted .
  • however , it is believed that kataku jinne , an apprentice to eno , compiled the records of eno ' s preaching " rokusodankyo " based on the religious doctrine .
  • however , when he learned about shochiku co ., ltd . entering the film industry , he joined the company as an apprentice to kaoru osanai via the introduction of a friend of his father .
  • for example , when a boy was born as a legitimate first son of a permanent chief retainer , he often started his career as a kosho , advancing to a domestic econony officer and then eventually becoming a chief retainer , or beginning as a kosho and becoming a chief retainer after serving as an apprentice to a chief retainer .